Category: Piffle
The Secret House I Never Lived In
My brain’s capacity for self-delusion never ceases to amaze me. When asked whereabouts I used to live in Plymouth, I began reeling off the locations. A house by the station, a flat by the old hospital, and another fla… And here, I had to really think for a moment. This second flat was lovely, I…
How To Be A Successful Stand Up Comedian
Some advice from Steve Coogan, on how to be a brilliant and successful stand up comedian. Hope it helps.
7 Things Your Cat Wants You To Buy From Amazon
Your cat overlord has a Wish List, and you need to know what’s on it. Luckily, cats are pretty stoopidz about online privacy (look at how many of them let their slaves post videos of them on YouTube), and it’s pretty easy to log in to your cat’s Amazon account. All cats have the same…
A Trump Post
Not enough is being written about Donald Trump (CHUMP more like, amirite?), that much is clear. So allow me to add my tuppence worth. I’m a bit of a Watergate buff, ever since spending a year learning about it as part of my History A Level. There’s so much going on and tangled up within…
7 Ways Your Party Can Win The Election
It’s that time of year again. That time when we’re all busy reading manifestos, carefully comparing our local candidates, grilling them at meetings, asking them tough questions on the doorstep, and generally weighing it all up in a logical, calculated manner. Because that’s how it’s done right? Here are seven ways that your party can…